about mmog37

Husband, father, mentor, writer, and motivational speaker are the hats I wear, in a weird sort of way they all kind of fit together. I am learning all about life and God's Love through my everyday adventures & experiences as a parent. :) Wanna no more about me... Fun Facts about MMOG37 Twitter? Follow Me @mmog37

about this blog

This is my spot were I "think out loud." Often sarcastic sometimes humorous but always enlightening personal blog of mmog37. Enjoying this journey called life and writing about the things that influence my world the most...Faith, Family & Friends

Down Memory Lane...

Ahhh the good old days! It's almost hard to believe that my wife and I have been married for almost 18 years. During that time we have gone through a lot of changes, all for the better. We have been blessed to have been able to work together and grow together and all without driving each other crazy or killing each other. We have also been fortunate to have had several opportunities to work on the same jobs and more recently we have been sharing the same office space.

I'm not sure if she planned it purposely but I just realized that our current layout allows her to play footsies with me under the desk...(I wonder if sexual harassment laws apply here lol)

This past weekend, after a long week of working, we were just goofing around and doing a bit of web surfing. We were looking for an old song by Bobby Caldwell, during the search we kept coming across old songs we used to listen to. It was kind of funny to see how our tastes and musical choices have changed over the years.

We decided to have a bit of fun at our children's expense (it's a constitutional/parental right) We found a couple of slow romantic songs we used to listen to and then called our youngest to come into the office. She came in with a curious look on her face wondering what we wanted.

"Have you ever heard this song before?" we asked. She listened for a few seconds and said no. "Are you sure?" We asked her, listen closely, "does it sound at all familiar to you?" "No, it doesn't."

By now her siblings had came into the office and were curious as to the significance of the song and why we were asking about it. Just as the youngest was giving up on guessing, my wife and I told her, "You should recognize this song...after all it's what was playing during your conception!" "UGH! GROSS!" Too much information! With that the room was cleared, and my wife and I sat and smiled at each other. Mission accomplished :)

We sat and celebrated, gave it a couple of minutes and then called out "Oh children...come and listen to these songs...do they sound familiar to you?" In the distance we could hear the sound of feet running away.

Ahhh Children are so much fun!

The wife and I sat and finished traveling down memory lane, it's a beautiful thing...18 years and still on the honeymoon! Here's to the next 18

Do you remember this song...

My Dear by Mint Condition

Money Cometh...

" I got a letter from the government the other day I opened and read...it said they were...######"

Sorry I was having a Chuck D. flashback. I did get a letter from the government, it was informing me about the tax rebate and what I needed to do to get my piece of the pie. Fortunately my better half is a pro when it comes to taxes and financial stuff. She had already went online to the IRS site and after finding out all of the information she promptly filed our taxes and completed everything needed to claim our refund. Now we just have to wait for it to show up.

Getting money in the mail is always a good thing. Attempting to give the economy a Fiscal B-12 shot, to get things moving again, the government is sending out rebate checks. A lot of people have questions...How much am I getting...when can I get it...what do I need to do. There was a pretty good video from Kiplinger.com that gives the details. Editorial Director Kevin McCormally does a pretty good job of explaining it in this short video presentation. Do you qualify, How much are you getting back? Check it out and find out.

p.s., you can help stimulate the economy by making a donation to me I promise to go and spend it right away LOL!

FedUp with FedEx!

I haven't quite figured this one out yet. I get deliveries to my home all the time, most of the time without any problems. I mean UPS drops off packages quite frequently. The local delivery services manage to deliver packages to my home. Whoever it is doing the deliveries they all get the concept, package is mailed with my name and address on it, the delivery service gets it and brings it to my house and does one of two things. They ring the doorbell, if I'm home then I answer the door and they give me the package. If I'm not home then they either leave the package in a safe spot near my front door or they leave me a note letting me know that they have a package for me and will return later to attempt a second delivery.

It's a simple concept...and yet for some strange reason FedEx just doesn't get it. Without fail every time they deliver a package, they skip my front door(s) and somehow walk all the way around my house toward the backyard. I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe they are trying to be safe and place my packages in the back where they might be safe...but the problem is that they never even place the packages anywhere near my back doors. To make matters worse they don't even leave a note or ring the doorbell or anything at all to let me know that they have hidden a package somewhere on my property.

I only discovered this mystery one day when looking out my back window and saw a package out in my yard. I went outside thinking it was trash and was surprised to see it was a delivery that had been sitting outside for several days. I'm not sure what kind of training program they have going on over there, but they need to do some front door recognition training or something, because they are still taking the journey to my back yard and hiding packages like it's an Easter egg hunt or something.

Maybe I am making too much of a deal...I don't know but just the other day I saw the FedEx truck pull up and thinking I would help him out I went to the front door, opened it, and stuck my head out...guess what, he didn't even look in my direction, he strolled right around to the back of my house and buried a treasure back there for me...I just stood there in disbelief that he still didn't look my way. Of course I gripe about it but I guess they are making improvements because they used to leave my packages at my neighbors house.

Let It Go....

What is it about us that makes us want to hold on to stuff?

That is the big question (I'd love to hear what you think.) I recently relocated my office and during the move I had to go through a lot of stuff to decided what I actually needed to keep and what things I needed to get rid of. Let me rephrase that so it is more accurate. My wife, stepped in and with those amazing organizational skills of hers had me go through all of my junk to see what I actually need to relocate to the new office

You see, the last time I relocated I did it by myself. My intention was to surprise her by moving into a new office, while she was on a trip. (I need to stop watching HGTV) I had a short window of opportunity, so I concentrated more on speed than I did organization. Basically all I did was scoop up as much stuff as I could carry and transported it from the old office to the new one. By the time I had everything moved I had one really big mess. I started off good but as time went on I got tired and I just wanted to be finished. Long story short, I learned that I should leave stuff like that to the professionals.

So when I relocated this time, I let my wife (the professional) handle the details. She came up with the plans and then we both implemented them. Part of the plan was to get rid of stuff that we did not need in the office. Which brings me back to the question I asked at the start. What is it that makes people want to hold on to things? As I sat going through old letters and files, I kept asking myself what was the big deal. Hard as it was I eventually began to clear out the old stuff and get rid of the things that I no longer needed. (I didn't have choice as my wife said that junk wasn't coming anywhere near the new office space.)

I learned a few things during the whole ordeal:

  • The old/unnecessary stuff was occupying space that could have been being used for current projects, and in reality it was slowing down production simply by being there.

  • By continuing to let that stuff accumulate, and not go through it, I was cultivating bad habits

  • The biggest thing however was that a portion of the clutter, was a collection of unfinished personal projects. I go all out for my clients and customers, but I always manage to put my own projects on the back burner. In a weird sort of way I was slowly sending myself a message that my stuff was unimportant

I have to admit that I am really glad that my wife came to the rescue, I have been loving working in my new office and my productivity has actually increased dramatically. My lesson on clutter has also made me aware of a spiritual principle as well. I can see where the tendency to hold on to things and let the clutter pile up, goes beyond the tangible. We tend to hold on to old feelings and emotions, old ideas and mindsets, we even hold on to old plans and schemes that should have been tossed a long time ago. If those weren't enough we also tend to hold on to old painful memories and that list of things that people did to us...

The same way that my office clutter was taking up too much space, hampering my productivity and wasting resources, the non-tangible clutter produces a similar effect, taking up too much space in our minds and hearts, hindering and slowing our forward progress and keeping us from new positive experiences.

Clutter of any kind does more harm than good...if you want to increase your productivity, have new positive experiences and enjoy life...then you need to get rid of the junk. Let it go...Let it go.

All Crapped Out...

As I get older I find that I complain a lot less, which is kind of odd when I begin to look around and realize that I really do have a lot more things to complain about these days. (Besides the fact that no one really listens to me when I complain ) I have been learning through my experiences that difference between complaining and not complaining is a matter of perception. Of all of my experiences that helped drive this point home there is one that stands out the most...

Q: What do you get when you have a platoon full of soldiers, one of which who likes to grumble and complain, an extra heavy back pack and 5 foot deep hole filled with something hot and smelly?

A: You get a pretty interesting story and a crash course in why you probably shouldn't be complaining! Read the story and let me know what you think

I Think I got High Yesterday...

  I keep forgetting that I am not in Cali anymore.  You can always find a store open no matter what day or holiday it is.  Out here in the Midwest they don't play that...I messed around and needed to go to the grocery store on Easter Sunday, and after a round of my usual procrastinating I finally hopped in the truck to make my way to the store only to discover that all of them were closed... save for Walgreens.

  So after a lot of wishful thinking and wasting my gas I made my way back to the Walgreens that was closest to were I lived, which was a dilemma in and of itself as there is practically a Walgreens on every corner out here. (remind me to tell you about my Walgreens theory later)

  I managed to make a decision on which Walgreens to go to, and once inside it appeared that they saw suckers like me coming as all of the prices were like three times higher than what they normally would be... but it wasn't like I had any other store to go to right.  So there I was walking the aisles and complaining to myself about the prices in my own little world when without warning I was grabbed by the neck and pummeled ruthlessly about the nose by the most horrid smell.  It was the smell of stinky skunk smelling weed smoke!    

  It was as if the wearer of the smell had taken a bath in Au De Cannabis.  I tried to get away by walking in the other direction but the smell was so strong it seemed to follow me around.  I was frantically running up and down the aisles and every time I turned a corner there were the culprits in all of the malodorous glory!

  After twenty minutes of evasive maneuvers I saw an opening at the cash register and made a run for it, and wouldn't you know it the line seemed to come to a stop as soon as I got in it.  I kept looking over my shoulder and praying and sending mental signals to the cashier to move faster so that I could get outta there before those weed eaters showed up with that horrid smell again.  

  I was hoping that I could make it, but my hopes were in vain because just as I was about to turn around I caught a whiff  of that offensive smell again and it started getting stronger and stronger.  Just as I had feared, my not so sweet smelling friends strolled up right behind me.  

  I tried holding my breath... which turned out to be not such a good idea because just before the point of blacking out, my reflexes forced me to take in a gigantic breath of air hitting me with an even larger more concentrated dose of the smell.

  It seemed like a lifetime as I stood in that line waiting to get away, I tried everything I could think of to block that smell... in fact I was so desperate that I even tried passing gas just to change the smell... didn't work (mental note flatulence and weed smoke... not a good combination).  

  After several unsuccessful attempts to escape I found myself becoming calm...I didn't really think too much about anymore... until I got home and realized that I suddenly had the strong desire to eat a couple of candy bars and a bag of chips... 

  I'm still not quite sure what I learned from this whole adventure other than not waiting to the last minute to do something... and that times really have changed.  Used to be a time when people went out of their way to make sure that they covered up all evidence of the pursuit of narcotic entertainment, but these days the participants almost seem to wear it as a badge of honor.

  I didn't mention that the offenders were young females, which I found to be very disturbing... maybe I'm just getting old... maybe times really have changed that much...I might have to revisit this in the future... but right now the chips are calling me



Yet another blog.....

Just what I needed, 

  Another blog to maintain.  Actually I really did need this.  I do a lot of writing, but most of it is for other people and other sites and most of the time at those places I try to keep my opinion to myself.  Yet I am discovering that sometimes I really do need to talk things out and clear my head a bit so that I can articulate better.  So in a way this is kind of like therapy for me, cheaper than a therapist and much less uncomfortable.  So my advice to you as a reader would be take what I say with a grain of salt... hopefully I might just say something that makes me look stupid... but will provide you with some wisdom and insight.  I can only hope right....