about mmog37

Husband, father, mentor, writer, and motivational speaker are the hats I wear, in a weird sort of way they all kind of fit together. I am learning all about life and God's Love through my everyday adventures & experiences as a parent. :) Wanna no more about me... Fun Facts about MMOG37 Twitter? Follow Me @mmog37

about this blog

This is my spot were I "think out loud." Often sarcastic sometimes humorous but always enlightening personal blog of mmog37. Enjoying this journey called life and writing about the things that influence my world the most...Faith, Family & Friends

Party Like a Rock star?

I few summers ago we pulled up our old patio. The plan was to redesign and relay the flagstone patio. Unfortunately a major storm hit and did some minor damage to the house and our focus shifted to those repairs. Shortly after that I aggravated my old back injuries and couldn't do much of anything.

This summer I decided that it is finally time for me to finish this project. The truth is I really wasn't all that excited about having to move those stones again. 700 square feet of flagstone is nothing to smirk at.

I couldn't put it off any longer, as my new office looks out into my back yard, and it was as if those piles and piles of stone were just taunting and teasing me. Not to mention the fact that the bees, birds and bunnies were using the stones as a hiding place.

Last week I began the process of moving the stones and getting them placed back onto the patio (hence the light posting) As much as I am not looking forward to lifting and moving those heavy stones...I am looking forward to when it's done so I can sit out back in the cool of the evening with the love of my life. So if you happen to notice my postings getting a little light...I didn't  abandon you...I'm just playing the handyman role.