about mmog37

Husband, father, mentor, writer, and motivational speaker are the hats I wear, in a weird sort of way they all kind of fit together. I am learning all about life and God's Love through my everyday adventures & experiences as a parent. :) Wanna no more about me... Fun Facts about MMOG37 Twitter? Follow Me @mmog37

about this blog

This is my spot were I "think out loud." Often sarcastic sometimes humorous but always enlightening personal blog of mmog37. Enjoying this journey called life and writing about the things that influence my world the most...Faith, Family & Friends

Little Boys

I have been thinking about this story all weekend. A little boy, 7 years old took his grandmother's SUV and went on a destructive joyride with a friend. Even now I am still unsure of how I feel about this incident. In case you haven't seen it, you can view it here "7 Year old takes car..."

I guess I am having a hard time trying to categorize it. I realize that boys will be boys, and this is not the first time that a little kid has went joyriding before. I think what is bothering me is that the boy in this instance expressed that he thought that it was fun to do bad things. The notion that he could have killed someone (in addition to the thousands of dollars of damage he caused) seemed like a small inconvenience to him.

Maybe it's bothering me because he was a young African American kid, and he was on television expressing that he wanted to do "Hood Rat" stuff with his friends. Whatever the case once I sort it all out I will definitely be writing about it.

How about you, what are thoughts on the matter?