about mmog37

Husband, father, mentor, writer, and motivational speaker are the hats I wear, in a weird sort of way they all kind of fit together. I am learning all about life and God's Love through my everyday adventures & experiences as a parent. :) Wanna no more about me... Fun Facts about MMOG37 Twitter? Follow Me @mmog37

about this blog

This is my spot were I "think out loud." Often sarcastic sometimes humorous but always enlightening personal blog of mmog37. Enjoying this journey called life and writing about the things that influence my world the most...Faith, Family & Friends

Doing the Impossible...

The year 2008 will mark several landmark achievements for me. In fact I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that I would accomplish the impossible this year. Let me explain.

As a child my father was convinced that my siblings and I wouldn't live past our teens. He was convinced that either Jesus would come back soon or the Apocalypse would take place. As a result of his fear, he never made any plans for us as teens or young adults. After hearing his view point for some many years...by default I actually grew to believe that I wouldn't live to be an adult, and like my dad I didn't make any plans in that regard.

Flash forward many years and I am on the threshold of my 40th birthday, and have children of my own, the youngest of which, will become a teenager this year as well. In addition to that I will be celebrating 18 years of being happily married...another event that I never thought would happen.

If I were to be honest this is all uncharted territory for me,having not planned for this moment and never considering being at this point. I feel that I am in a spot that I have not only not planned for, but also really haven't seen modeled before me, so each and every step holds within in it an element of uncertainty. Yet in the midst of this "uncertainty", I have a peace that many would not understand.

My peace comes from the realization that I haven't made it this far on my own, and that if I want to go further I must yield to the one who has not only guided me thus far, but has also been provider, protector and most of all my friend.

Now playing: La Familia Muzik & DJ-D-Lite - 15- EXCELSIUS- CHRIST RULES CHRIST R
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